Information about Kayley

How it works

How it Works


  1. Sign up - for free!
  2. Set up your instructor profile.
  3. Click the “Offer Lessons” tab on the top menu bar.
  4. Offer lessons for one of the listed instruments or under "other" if it's not listed. 
  5. Provide a permanent Zoom/other video chat link
  6. Select availability in your local time zone and indicate the time zone on the listing
  7. Provide payment info under your profile settings to get payout
  8. Share your profile link with your students.
  9. Get notified by mail when you receive a booking request.
  10. Confirm the booking (If you don't respond within 3 days, the request will be rejected).
  11. Get paid.
  12. Deliver fab session.

Guide for Instructors available soon!


  1. Sign up - for free!
  1. Browse through lesson offerings by category (you can also search a teachers' name).
  2. Find a teacher that fits your style.
  3. Message instructors by clicking the "contact" button - ask them anything.
  4. Press the ‘Request to book’ button - You will not be charged yet.
  5. The transaction will take place once the instructor confirms your request. If the instructor doesn’t reply within 3 days - the request will be cancelled and the money will not be transferred.
  6. Click the video chat link (you can see it on the class page) at the scheduled time. 

Enjoy your class!